Dear Congress:

Dear Congress:

The Abortion Diary Podcast's founder has something to say Congress:

"As someone who’s had an abortion and, again, spoken with over 200 people who have as well, I can assure you of this: When we have an abortion, we are making the right decision for ourselves, our bodies, our families, our communities, and our futures. We will not change our minds or back down from what we know is right for us because of your archaic and reprehensible laws. The idea that we should take note from politicians about how to navigate our bodies is one that we as a community will not only denounce, but also continue to reject and resist. Abortion is a personal choice. Period. It is not up for political debate." - Melissa Madera (The Abortion Diarist)

Read the rest of her letter on SELF Magazine's website.

I’m really glad I had that choice

Hello, this is Jane.

Hello, this is Jane.