Check out our profile in The Washington Post!

Check out our profile in The Washington Post!

I was interviewed by a reporter from The Washington Post about my work with The Abortion Diary (a.k.a. my love / my passion / my life's work) and the article she wrote was featured on the front page of Friday's paper.Two years ago, I left New York City with very little money and a microphone, and followed my heart. I am so glad I did. I am so grateful to be able to continue to do this work and meet so many inspiring people.  Over 160 people have shared their abortion stories with me over the past two and a half years. I am so thankful to them for having the courage to share themselves so fully with me. It has and continues to be a privilege to listen. I look forward to continuing on this journey of deep listening, sharing and community-building with all of you.

Thank you all for sharing and listening.


I make this podcast out of pocket and as a labor of love.

Help us continue our work and share our stories by donating.

all kinds of people get an abortion

abortion is part of life